Intention + Light Language: Manifesting the Good Feelings Associated with Abundance
Original collage art created by Lola Singer: “Fortuna, Goddess of Fortune”.
Are you a procrastinator? I know I am. It has taken me more than ten years to follow through on an intention that took root more than ten years ago. Oh, well. Better late than never.
At about that time, I was just opening up to my gift of being able to speak and sing in light language.
Being new to my abilities, I was reluctant and shy about sharing my songs in public.
Nonetheless, I asked my favorite co-worker (who had been instrumental in supporting me on my spiritual journey) if he had any ideas for intentions he would like me to focus on while singing in light language. He made me a list of suggestions which I found recently and thought to myself, “Hmmm. What a great way to initiate myself back into singing for the public on YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. These are really good suggestions so let’s go down the list.”
First up: ABUNDANCE.
I found out recently that the best way to bring in abundance is to focus on the FEELINGS that abundance gives to you, not just asking for money.
That makes sense because INTENTIONS + FEELING = MAGIC.
Also, if we focus on getting money only, it doesn’t always come to us in the way we expect.
The classic example is the person who sets the intention of manifesting thousands of dollars only to receive it by being hit by a bus, getting that money through a lawsuit but having to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his or her days. The Universe can be tricky! Be careful what you ask for.
Getting. back to the feelings of abundance: for me, that would be security and safety.
Let’s play a game. Feel into your heart space and declare, “I have a lot of money”.
Now feel into your heart space and state, “I am safe and secure.”
Does the energy shift when you switch your focus? I would imagine so.
I am guessing that safety and security felt better than money alone.
You have free will so you can choose what you want to focus on. If money feels good to you, go for it.
I will keep going with the FEELINGS that abundance brings because it works for me and I do hope it works for some of you, too.